Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Last day of soccer - FIELD DAY SCHEDULE

Hello U9 Soccer Families,

This is the last week of Spring Soccer!

Instead of our annual banquet, we will have a soccer field day and a fun tournament during our last soccer session this week.

UpTeam Schedule
10:15 - U9 UpTeam players should arrive at the field and warmup with coaches
10:45 - Ball drops for the exhibition game against a Malden Youth Soccer U10 team
11:50 - UpTeam Exhibition game ends
12:00 - UpTeam coaches will hand out trophies
12:15 - UpTeam will enjoy pizza and field day activities

Regular U9 Soccer Schedule
11:45 - U9 Players should arrive at the field and prepare for a prompt start at noon
Noon - Race for seed! - Each team will select 1 player who will race the length of the field to determine tournament seeding
12:15 - A fun-format tournament will select a first and second place team.  Each team will play 3 x 20 minute matches (See schedule below)
1:45 - Tournament ends.  First place will receive a small honorary reward.
2:00 - Coaches will hand out trophies
2:15 - U9 teams will enjoy pizza and field day activities.

Tournament Structure
Teams will be seeded by way of a race executed promptly at noon.  The first and second seeds will receive a buy, but will play an exhibition game for fun.  There will be a single elimination tournament, with inclusion of consolation games to ensure everybody plays 3 full 20 minute games.

Ties will be broken via best of 5 penalty shots.  If still tied after 5 points per team, then one player from each team will play a single round of rock/paper/scissors.

Tournament Rules
  1. Each of the 3 games will be a timed 20 minutes, with no extra time.
  2. Teams will play 6v6, including the goal keeper.
  3. Every player should receive no less than 50% playing time for each game.
  4. Substitutions may only be made when play stops due to the ball leaving the field surface.
  5. Each game will start with a drop ball at center field.  One player from each team will be selected to participate in the drop ball.
  6. After each goal, the team scored upon will start again by kicking-off at center.  A successful kick-off means that the ball needs to roll 1 revolution forward and be touched by another player
  7. There will be no direct free kicks.  All foul kicks will be INDIRECT, meaning the ball must touch another player (on either side) before a goal will be counted.
  8. INDIRECT free kicks will be used for:
    1. Hand balls
    2. Slide tackling
    3. Pushing players with hands, arms
    4. Tripping
    5. Hip checking
  9. No off-sides called
  10. We will use Sideline Throw-ins, Goal Kicks, and Corner Kicks according to customary out-of-bounds rules
  11. Throw-ins must be thrown overhead.  It is not necessary for feet to remain planted.  
  12. Players will get a second chance for an improper throw-in or corner kick.  After a second improper attempt, the other team will get the ball.
  13. For goal kicks, the opposing team must move back to half field
  14. Coaches will ref the game, their decisions are final.  In the unexpected event when coaches cannot agree on a ruling, the U9 coordinator will make the final decision.